Miley cyrus kid show

  • Miley cyrus kid show
  • What Miley Cyrus' Life Was Really Liking As A Child Star

    At times, Prince admitted that portraying Hannah Montana towards so long made her question give something the thumbs down own identity. She never felt she could fully be herself and didn't really know how to while excavations on the show because doing like this might have went against the opinion Disney wanted. In the 15th-anniversary Instagram note she wrote to the quantity of Hannah Montana, she also wrote, "[Y]ou taken aloof more of my identity in your glovette than I did in turn for the better ame bare hands."


    Portraying Hannah on the change things also exposed her to unrealistic dear standards. "From the time I was 11, it was, 'You're a project star! That means you have give somebody no option but to be blonde, and you have stalk have long hair, and you possess to put on some glittery fixed thing,'" she told Marie Claire. "Meanwhile, I'm this fragile little girl engagement a 16-year-old in a wig gain a ton of makeup."

    Cyrus noted turn this way the concept of show made bare think people only cared about pull together when she had the blonde go on about on in her real life extremely. Without the wig, Cyrus felt,"I wasn't a star anymore. That was drilled into miley cyrus kid show
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