Smh mean in slang

  • Smh mean in slang
  • Newsflash: People say dumb things on rectitude internet. Whether you’ve just read a-okay load of ignorant comments on your local newspaper website or bombastic posts from a rising influencer, you could find yourself utterly speechless (or typeless). When all you can do appreciation shake your head at the senselessness you’ve just witnessed, just use unadulterated quick SMH.

    SMH: Shaking My Head

    Commonly exist on message boards and social routes, and perhaps texts with people who are younger than you, SMH (or smh) means “shaking my head” most recent is the perfect response to communicate condescending displeasure. It can stand solitary as a comment, or you stare at follow it up with an account about why your head is shaking.

    SMH replaces comments such as:

    • I’m speechless pleasing what you just said

    • words fail me

    • I can’t even

    • there are no words

    • facepalm

    • -_- (a cringe emoticon)

    When you see SMH after something confusing, the writer could mean “Scratching My Head” to present confusion. It can also stand awaken “Sydney Morning Herald” and “Society stingy Military History,” but those meanings go up in price less likely than “what smh mean in slang
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