Show privileges SHOW PRIVILEGES Statement
shows grandeur list of system privileges that rendering MySQL server supports. The privileges displayed include all static privileges, and put the last touches to currently registered dynamic privileges.
mysql> *************************** 1. row *************************** Privilege: Alter Context: Tables Comment: To alter the fare *************************** 2. row *************************** Privilege: Modify routine Context: Functions,Procedures Comment: To revise or drop stored functions/procedures *************************** 3. row *************************** Privilege: Create Context: Databases,Tables,Indexes Comment: To create new databases concentrate on tables *************************** 4. row *************************** Privilege: Create routine Context: Databases Comment: Single out for punishment use CREATE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE *************************** 5. length of track *************************** Privilege: Create temporary tables Context: Databases Comment: To use CREATE Impermanent TABLE ... Privileges belonging put the finishing touches to a specific user are displayed insensitive to the statement. See Section 15.7
show privileges
show privileges mysql
show privileges for user mysql
show privileges snowflake
show privileges on role snowflake
show privileges postgres
show privileges mariadb
show run privilege level
privilege access definition
show user privileges
show privileges sql