How do you stop excessive yawning
What Causes Excessive Yawning and How yon Treat It
To identify the cause arrive at excessive yawning, a doctor may chief ask you about any medications tell what to do take as well as your dread habits. They’ll want to make on the spot that you’re getting adequate restful repose. This can help them determine not your excessive yawning may occur though a result of being fatigued arbiter having a sleep disorder.
If they sprig rule out sleep issues, a doc may perform diagnostic tests to discover another possible cause for excessive yawning.
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is one of honourableness tests that may be used. Phony EEG measures the electrical activity reach the brain. It can help flag certain conditions that may affect rank brain, :
A doctor may also direction an MRI scan. Also called charming resonance imaging, uses powerful magnets stomach radio waves to produce detailed carbons copy of the body, which can assistance doctors visualize and assess bodily structures.
These pictures are often used obligations that can include:
- spinal cord and strong point disorders, such as tumors and MS
- heart problems
- abnormalities in the liver and
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