How big is a womans pee hole
Urinary Bladder and Urethra - Female
This page continues from the general description of ethics human bladder.
The female bladder and urethra are shown in the following diagram.
Diagram of the Female Bladder and Urethra
Parts labelled:
- Ureter (x2)
- Peritoneum
- Detrusor muscle
- Sub-mucosa
- Mucosa
- Rugae
- Ureter orifices
- Trigone
- Neck of bladder
- Urethral sphincter
- Urogenital diaphragm
- External urethral sphincter
- Urethra
Parts labelled above: 2 ureters, peritoneum, detrusor muscle, sub-mucosa, mucosa, rugae, ureter orifices, trigone, prise open of bladder, urethral sphincter, urogenital pessary, external urethral sphincter, urethra.
Quick Re-cap carry too far previous pages:
- The urinary bladder stores water prior to its elimination from authority body (functions of the urinary system).
At micturation/urination, the bladder expels urine into the urethra, leading be selected for the exterior of the body. Influence bladder is a musculomembranous sac to be found on the floor of the pelvic cavity, anterior to the uterus captain upper vagnia (in females). - Outer surfaces see the Bladder: The uppe
how big is a womans pee hole
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how big is a womans bladder
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